
Everything we do at Springwell Harrogate is underpinned by our desire to ensure the most appropriate next steps for young people. 

We assess the needs of our young people and in collaboration with host schools plan their intended curriculum and thus the way they access their destinations.

The practical steps we take to ensure this are outlined below:

As a school we are determined to:
To do this we::
Equip every young person who joins our school with the skills necessary to allow them to access their academic  next steps. Have a curriculum which focuses on establishing and developing the key skills required to access an individual’s next steps
Build and consolidate reading skills to enable access to an academic curriculum
Build and consolidate numeracy skills to enable access to an academic curriculum
Build and consolidate emotional communication skills and social skills needed to access their future destinations 
Be ambitious for our learners to get them to their appropriate next step destinations. Support host schools with EHCAR applications, so young people are able to access an appropriate provision
Work collaboratively with schools to identify a student’s needs, and support them with ensuring smart targets and interventions are set once placements end
Work with the local authority FAP/NYAP to place students in mainstream schools after they have been unsuccessful in their original school
Improve the social and emotional skills of our young people through the development of strong safe, trusting relationships   Plan challenging activities which put our learners outside their comfort zones in our experiential learning programme
Use our cooking programme to enable learners to work together and develop a repertoire of dishes they can use at home
Run nurture sessions at breakfast time and during breaks where our young people support one another and take part in activities which develop robust relationships
Equipping learners with the emotional literacy required to self-regulate themselves
To develop the skills of young people in  keeping themselves safe, and forming positive healthy relationships with peers Using a tailored PSHCE curriculum to meet the needs, fears and contexts of our learners 

Below is a review of our curriculum intent and its impact on learnining.

Curriculum intent and impact 2023 – 24